On 16 Jan 2007 19:18:19 -0800, kernel1983 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In Function Program,Language can use like this:

define a function:
f = lambda x,y:x,y

then we use f to define another function:
f2 = f(1)
the f2 should equal to:
f2=lambda y:1,y

we should be able call f2 with one parameter:f2(2)
just return 1,2

but how can I implement the characteristic in Python??I think it could
do like this but HOW-TO?

I'm a English beginner!
I wish somebody understand my meaning

try this:
foo = lambda x, y: (x, y)
foo1 = lambda x: foo(x,1)
foo2 = lambda y: foo(1,y)
print foo1(3)
print foo2(3)

Best Regards,
Leo Jay

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