Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
> From a practical point of view, the only reason to use a tuple instead
> of a list for anything seems to be that you want to use it as a key in a 
> dict...
> Otherwise, why bother with these recalcitrant things that you can't
> change or index, or append to or anything that lists allow?

I can imagine (but don't know whether this is actually the case in 
CPython) that tuples have some memory and/or performance advantages over 
lists, and there could be special optimizations for small (2 or 3 
element) tuples because they are used very frequently.

So that would be another practical aspect why a long list of tuples 
could be better than a long list of lists - but does anybody know 
whether this is even true for CPython?

-- Christoph

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