In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Tim Golden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: |> [Christoph Zwerschke] |> |> > And can somebody explain what is exactly meant with |> > "homogenous data"? |> |> This seems to have been explained a few times |> recently :) Basically, if you have a "list of xs" |> and remove one item from it, it is still a "list of xs", |> where "xs" might be people, coordinate-pairs, numbers |> or whatever made sense to you. If you have a tuple |> containing, say, a 2d coordinate pair, and remove something |> from it, it's no longer a coordinate pair. If you add one to it, |> it's something else as well (perhaps a 3d coord?)
Hmm. If I remove an object from a list of objects, does it not remain a list of objects? The converse is worse, as in my example. If a heterogeneous list just happens to have objects that are all similar, does it remain heterogeneous? Loose guidelines are very useful, but should almost always come with the rider "Follow these unless you have good reasons to ignore them, but do make sure that you understand the rules first before deciding your rules are good". Some of the responses here went a little, er, a lot beyond that. Regards, Nick Maclaren. --