greg wrote:
> Ken Tilton wrote:
>> The reason I post macro expansions along with examples of the macro 
>> being applied is so that one can see what code would have to be 
>> written if I did not have the defskill macro to "write" them for me.
> It seems to me your brain is somewhat stuck on the use
> of macros. You're looking at the expansion of your
> macro and assuming that you'd have to write all that
> code by hand if you didn't have macros. You're not
> thinking about alternative approaches,...

I think your brain is stuck on flaming. I am not thinking about Python 
approaches, I am sking Pythonistas to do that. After understanding my 
examples. Unfortunately I do not see the latter really happening, so we 
are about done here.

> Unless there's something very subtle that I'm missing
> (I can't claim to follow exactly what all the code
> you posted does in detail) I haven't seen anything
> that couldn't be done quite reasonably with an
> appropriate data structure and ordinary functions
> and methods operating on that data structure.

I did explain the last little fun bit (where reverse code miraculously 
got a case-specific "signed-value" parameter bound to exactly the right 
bit of math structure). This process works only if you then ask 
specifically about that (if anything was unclear--my guess is you did 
not try all that hard since you are in argue-mode). The other reason you 
may not have understodd is that that is waaaaay meta-cool, so meta I do 
understand if it went over your head and I would (have been) happy to 
explain had you asked.

Time to put the game on, I think. :)



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
    -- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

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