Ken Tilton wrote: > Andrew Reilly wrote: > > > That all looks like data. > > No, not reverse, the part you did not understand. I do not mean what the > code was doing, I meant that it was code. >
Code is data is code - even in Python: skills_table = [ { "title": "Absolute Value", "annotations": ["Bleah bleah", "ho hum", "etc..."], "hints": ["and so on", "etc..."], "reverse" : (lambda x: whatever(x)) }, { "title": "Square Root", "annotations": ["Bleah bleah", "ho hum", "etc..."], "hints": ["and so on", "etc..."], "reverse" : (lambda x: someother(x)) }, # etc... ] Of course those lambdas are crippled in Python (and not really necessary in this bogus example)... But that's without trying to be clever: class AbsoluteValue: title="Absolute Value" annotations=["Some list", "goes here"] @classmethod def reverse(cls, *args): # I didn't understand what your code was doing pass defskill(AbsoluteValue) That would be a reasonable place for a "pie decorator" on a class, but I guess that's not allowed. I doubt this second example would be considered "Pythonic" in any case... > > Couldn't you do that with a table > > containing those fields, and key it off the defskill argument (or even the > > title?) at startup? > > Not the code. In reverse. > Why not? Python has plenty of other flaws that I can't happily work around, and I do think Lisp is more flexible. However, I think your example is readable enough with a data driven algorithm in most any popular language. All of the data is visible to the reverse(...) method. Maybe I missed something in your example, but I think you aren't trying hard enough. :-) The one I liked was: If I ever fill in your RtL survey, I'll be citing that one as a turning point for me. > > Interpolation does not mean what you think it means. I'm sure he meant "string interpolation", which is a common enough term in scripting languages nowdays. > It would be easier to compare and > contrast with the Python equivalent if someone had posted such, but your > troops have fallen back to Fort So What? and pulled up the drawbridge. > Oh God! Is it just me out here? And I'm not even a believer. Cheers. --