Ken Tilton wrote:

> But with Lisp one does not have to clean up the indentation manually 
> after thrashing away at ones code.

That's not how I would describe the experience
I have when I'm editing Python code.

When moving a set of statements in Python, you
are usually selecting a set of complete lines,
cutting them out and then pasting them in
between two other lines somewhere else.

Having done that, the lines you've just pasted
in are selected. Now it's just a matter of
using using your editor's block-shifting commands
to move them left or right until they're in
the correct horizontal position.

I find this to be quite a smooth and natural
process -- no "thrashing" involved at all.

Having edited both Lisp and Python code fairly
extensively, I can't say that I find editing
Python code to be any more difficult or error

On the plus side, Python makes less demands on the
capabilities of the editor. All you really need
is block-shifting commands. Bracket matching is
handy for expressions but not vital, and you
certainly don't need bracket-based auto-indenting.


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