Alexander Zatvornitskiy wrote:

> ÐÑÐÐÐÑ Peter!
> 31 ÑÐÐÐÑÑ 2005 Ð 09:09, Peter Otten Ð ÑÐÐÐÐ ÐÐÑÑÐÐ Ð All 
>  PO> pychecker may help you find misspelled variable names. You have to
>  PO> move the code into a function, though:
>  PO> $ cat
> ...skipped...
>  PO> $ pychecker
>  PO> Local variable (epselon) not used
> Well, I can change it a little to pass this check. Just add "print
> epselon" line.

You are now on a slippery slope. I'd rather think of ways to write my code
in a way for it to succeed or at least fail in an obvious way. I don't
consider a scenario likely where you both misspell a name nearly as often
as you write it correctly, and do that in a situation where the program
enters an infinite loop instead of just complaining with an exception,
which is by far the most likely reaction to a misspelt name.

> I think if as soon as I will make such error, I will write special
> checker. It will take code like this:
> def loop():
>     #var S,epsilon
>     epsilon=0
>     S=0
>     while epsilon<10:
>         S=S+epsilon
>         epselon=epsilon+1
>         print S

Code not written is always errorfree, and in that spirit I'd rather strive
to write the function more concisely as

def loop2():
    s = 0
    for delta in range(10):
        s += delta
        print s

This illustrates another problem with your approach: would you have to
declare globals/builtins like range(), too?

> Such checker will say "error:epselon is not declared!" if I will use
> something not declared. If everything is ok, it will call pychecker.
> Simple and tasty, isn't it?

That your program compiles in a somewhat stricter environment doesn't mean
that it works correctly.

> Of cource, it may be difficult to handle fields of classes:
> MyClass.epsElon=MyClass.epsilon+1

MyClass.epsilon += 1

reduces the risk of a spelling error by 50 percent. I doubt that variable
declarations reduce the likelihood of erroneous infinite loops by even 5

> but it is solvable, I think. What do you think, is it a good idea?
I suggested pychecker more as a psychological bridge while you gain trust in
the Python way of ensuring reliable programs, i. e. writing small and
readable functions/classes that do one thing well and can easily be tested. 
Administrative overhead -- as well as excessive comments -- only serve to
bury what is actually going on. 

I guess that means no, not a good idea.

On the other hand, taking all names used in a function and looking for
similar ones, e. g. by calculating the Levenshtein distance, might be



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