Alexander Zatvornitskiy wrote:
Another example. Let say you have variable PowerOfGenerator in your program. But, it is only active power, so you have to (1)rename PowerOfGenerator to ActivePowerOfGenerator, (2)calculate ReactivePowerOfGenerator, and (3)calculate new PowerOfGenerator by formula PowerOfGenerator=sqrt(ReactivePowerOfGenerator**2+ActivePowerOfGenerator**2) With var declarations, on step (1) you just rename PowerOfGenerator to ActivePowerOfGenerator in the place of its declaration, and compile your program. Compiler will show you all places where you have to rename variables. After it, on step (3) you can safely and peacefully add new PowerOfGenerator variable.
You can also get all places where said variable exists by using grep, or your editor's search feature. I don't see how a var declaration gains you anything over 'grep PowerOfGenerator *.py' ...
Jeff Shannon Technician/Programmer Credit International