Ashot wrote:
> This is sort of both Python and Vim related (which is why I've posted
> both newsgroups).
> Python related:
> ----------------------
> I have been frustrated for quite some time with a lack of a history
> command in IDLE (in fact with IDLE in general).  Often I'll develop
> code at the command line, testing each line as I go.  Currently I
have to
> copy and paste, removing outputs and the ">>>" at each line.
> Is it perhaps possible to make some kind of hack to do this (dump a
> command history)?
> Idle in general isn't that great IMO, so I was wondering also if
there are
> better alternatives out there?  What do people use mostly?  I've
> something called pyCrust, but this too didn't have history and some
> things I was looking for.

PyCrust is only a shell, not a full-blown IDE, so it likely lacks
things that you were looking for.  But it certainly does have history,
multi-line command recall, and cut/paste options with and without the
leading prompts.  In fact, the default Copy command (Ctrl+C) strips out
the prompts, and the Copy Plus command (Shift+Ctrl+C) retains the
prompts.  If you select the Session tab you'll see the entire command
history, without prompts and without the responses from the Python
interpreter.  Here are some other keybindings:


* Key bindings:
Home              Go to the beginning of the command or line.
Shift+Home        Select to the beginning of the command or line.
Shift+End         Select to the end of the line.
End               Go to the end of the line.
Ctrl+C            Copy selected text, removing prompts.
Ctrl+Shift+C      Copy selected text, retaining prompts.
Ctrl+X            Cut selected text.
Ctrl+V            Paste from clipboard.
Ctrl+Shift+V      Paste and run multiple commands from clipboard.
Ctrl+Up Arrow     Retrieve Previous History item.
Alt+P             Retrieve Previous History item.
Ctrl+Down Arrow   Retrieve Next History item.
Alt+N             Retrieve Next History item.
Shift+Up Arrow    Insert Previous History item.
Shift+Down Arrow  Insert Next History item.
F8                Command-completion of History item.
                  (Type a few characters of a previous command and
press F8.)
Ctrl+Enter        Insert new line into multiline command.
Ctrl+]            Increase font size.
Ctrl+[            Decrease font size.
Ctrl+=            Default font size.

Hope that helps.


Patrick K. O'Brien


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