
Ashot wrote:

> This is sort of both Python and Vim related (which is why I've posted to
> both newsgroups).


I know you've been using ipython recently (the readline color bugs), so perhaps
my reply is a bit redundant.  Forgive me if that's the case, I just want to
give you some useful info.

Just in case you haven't come across these features (the manual is kind of long
and dry), I should note that ipython has pretty much everything you've asked
for here.  %hist -n dumps your history without line numbers (for copy/paste),
%logstart gives you an incremental log (valid python code) of your current
session, %save allows you to save a selected group of lines to a file, and
%edit will open up $EDITOR (or vi in Unix by default) at the source of any
accessible object.  With %pdb, you can even trigger automatically pdb at any
uncaught exception (in Emacs, you'll even get the source simultaneously opened, 
I'm sure something similar could be done for vi).

Ipython is not an IDE, but it does offer an extensible command-line environment
which tries hard to be very efficient.  Hopefully this year I'll be able to
work on integrating it (optionally, since it will never lose its command-line
functionality) with GUIs as well.




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