On 25 Nov 2006 15:27:26 -0800, Ritesh Raj Sarraf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have, for very long, been trying to find a consistent solution (which
> could work across major python platforms - Linux, Windows, Mac OS X)
> for the following problem.
> I have a function which downloads files from the web. I've made the
> function threaded. I'm trying to implement a progress bar for it which
> could work across all the platforms.
> The problem is that when the progress bar is displayed, all the threads
> overwrite the progress bar.
> I've thought of using curses but AFAIK curses is not available for
> Windows.
> Is there a generic way to accomplish the following:
> progress = "[===================]\n[=======================]"
> for x in range(5):
>     sys.stdout.write(progress + "\r")
> Basically, I want a way through which I want to display data on two
> lines and make sure that "\r" overwrites the two lines without putting
> a newline making sure that whatever library it uses is available across
> all major Python platforms.
> Thanks,
> Ritesh
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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