On Sunday 26 November 2006 13:07, Calvin Spealman wrote: > Take a look at this: > http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/progressbar
Hi, Sorry for being a little late in replying. The progressbar implementation is excellent but it has the same problems that the current progressbar implementation I use, has. In the above mentioned progressbar implementation also, the progressbar status is overwritten if you're using multiple threads. If your application is threaded, and multiple threads are downloading multiple files, you get a progressbar which is overwritten by all the 3 threads. I had brought this issue some time back too. Dennis Lee Bieber had a solution which looked better but not very much. His implementation had os.system(clear/cls) being called (to update the progress) which made the screen flicker if your network latency was low (especially in cases where the data is indirectly being downloaded from a Proxy or a product like NetApp's Netcache). If there's a way to print multiple lines of text withouth the newline ("\n") character, we can then use carriage return ("\r") and implement a proper progressbar with a bar for each separate progress action. Thanks, Ritesh -- Ritesh Raj Sarraf RESEARCHUT - http://www.researchut.com "Necessity is the mother of invention." "Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many is research." "The great are those who achieve the impossible, the petty are those who cannot - rrs"
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