Dan Lenski wrote:
> John Henry wrote:
>> I assume you meant that the example programs looks LabView-like GUIs?
>> PythonCard itself has nothing in common with LabView.   It's more like
>> HyperCard.
> That's right, I'm saying the GUIs *produced* by PythonCard look like
> those produced by LabView.  Believe me, if the PythonCard programming
> style had anything to do with LabView, I'd avoid it like the plague =)
> In any case, I think I'm gonna give PythonCard a shot before trying
> full-fledged wxPython.  It looks ideal for my needs.
You may find that it starts out fine, but becomes less satisfactory as 
the sophistication of your interfaces increases. Then the problem will 
be that migration to another platform demands a substantial rewrite of 
your application (I have done this for a fairly small app).

I don't think PythonCard gets much maintenance nowadays.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd          http://www.holdenweb.com
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