Jorge Vargas wrote:
> On 11/4/06, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jorge Vargas
>>>and please please don't go to corba we need to kill that.
>>Have you real reasons or is this a religious thing?  As I see it Corba is
>>much better supported by Python libs than SOAP is.
> I see ZSI as a very good engine for SOAP as for xmlrpc it's "better"
> since you can interact with a browser and then you can even have json
> rpc.
> but yes ur right is mostly because of religious reasons :)
When SOAP can do everything that Corba can do, and as efficiently, it 
might stand a chance of displacing it. I see SOAP as essentially an ugly 
bloated NIH response of the Microsoft camp to an open specification that 
achieved all its goals in an elegant way. And all to allow inappropriate 
remote-method execution through port 80 to avoid the corporate firewall. 
Which ultimately just made firewalling port 80 that much more difficult.

Microsoft is a poor church, and very uncaring of its adherents. So take 
your religious reasons and leave Corba alone until SOAP is an effective 
competitor ;-)

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
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