Jorge Vargas wrote:

[quotefest trimmed]

> I have to disagree WSDL is a great standard and SOAP is great for
> transfering data from point a to point b. and it's very usefull for
> giving an interface for people to use like all those web2.0 api's out
> there.

Well, unless you're dealing with some kind of multipoint communications
architecture, SOAP isn't really much better than just firing plain XML
documents over HTTP from A to B, although my preferred use-cases for
SOAP don't involve the RPC style of messaging that most people think of
when SOAP is mentioned, so I guess you could benefit from SOAP (plus
WSDL) if you do really care about RPC. However, one thing CORBA has
going for it is maturity: the basic standards aren't in flux, and there
are a number of acceptable implementations out there.



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