I think I saw one of the articles twice.  It is good to see a python
journal again, even better with free content.  It would be good to see
more 'populist' content, even transcripts of python 411 maybe.  I would
also like to note if they could be organised as hpp (or whatever
extension the help files are) maybe spe or boa-constructor could make
it easy for users to add it to there help systems.  I thought I saw an
internet publisher somewhere that could get you the isbn (if that is
the right number) so that content could also get distributed as hard


> To whom it may concern,
> I have been involved in putting together a new Python journal, called
> (oh so originally) The Python Journal. This isn't related to a previous
> project also called The Python Journal although we have the approval of
> the group that put it together in using their name.
> http://pyjournal.cgpublisher.com is the journal URL, and it has a
> number
> of news feeds -- blog entries, new products (i.e. articles and volumes)
> and product reviews (not used currently).
> We'd love it if you could have a look at our first issue, and let us
> know what you think!
> Cheers,
> -T (editor-in-chief)


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