> We'd love it if you could have a look at our first issue, and let us
> know what you think!

On the layout of the site:

1) I have to hit two separate Download buttons to get the PDF, and then
the PDF must be viewed in an external reader rather than the browser
2) It appears that there are 3 publications to read, where in fact the
third (The Python Journal itself) is an amalgam of the previous two
documents. There should be some indication of this in the abstract
(e.g. either a note in the Journal abstract that it consists of the
previous articles, or a note in the article abstracts that it is a
chapter in the journal)
3) I have to scan past two PDF pages to get to any actual content in
the PDF's.
4) It would be nice to have an HTML view of these PDFs to save the
irritation of waiting for the document to download and the PDF Reader
from starting up.

I realise that many of these issues could be limitations of the
cgpublisher website, but those are my gripes with the site in any case.

On the content of the first article:

1) There's a typo (well, indentation error) in the very first example
(Text 2).
2) The title of the first article seems to promise more than it
delivers. There are stacks of Python idioms, and this is merely one of
them. If this is the first of many 'Idiom ' articles, it would be
better to have a subtitle as to the nature of this specific idiom,
something like "Access control in Python" or similar, with a mention of
the actual name-mangling that goes on on 'private' attributes.


Is the intention that this will be a free or non-free (or somewhere in
between) journal BTW?


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