Alexander Zatvornitskiy wrote:
Hello All!

I'am novice in python, and I find one very bad thing (from my point of view) in
language. There is no keyword or syntax to declare variable, like 'var' in
Pascal, or special syntax in C. It can cause very ugly errors,like this:

while epsilon<10:
print S

It will print zero, and it is not easy to find such a bug!

Even Visual Basic have 'Option Explicit' keyword! May be, python also have such
a feature, I just don't know about it?

Advocates always say Type Checking, but so often it seems like Type Constriction. - To hell with it!
I don't believe I would be more productive by cluttering Python with the Type schemes and variable declarations found in languages like Pascal, C, Basic, C++ and Java.
People have said that there may be a more intelligent way, maybe type inferencing? But no, please, nothing like the above, it would just get in the way.

-- Paddy.

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