Hi Paddy!

03 Feb 2005 at 21:58, Paddy McCarthy wrote:
 >> Explicit' keyword! May be, python also have such a feature, I just
 >> don't know about it? Alexander, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 PM> Advocates always say Type Checking, but so often it seems like Type
 PM> Constriction. - To hell with it!
 PM> I don't believe I would be more productive by cluttering Python with
 PM> the Type schemes and variable declarations found in languages like
 PM> Pascal, C, Basic, C++ and Java. People have said that there may be a
 PM> more intelligent way, maybe type inferencing? But no, please, nothing
 PM> like the above, it would just get in the way.
No, I don't even think about compulsory type checking, and so on. I just want
something like this:

var epsilon=0
var S
while epsilon<10:
  epselon=epsilon+1#interpreter should show error here,if it's in "strict mode"
print S

It is easy, and clean-looking.


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