Tim Chase wrote:
> Well, you could investigate WebStack:


> The documentation is a bit terse, and lacking in some areas, but
> a little debugging output goes a long way toward diagnosing
> problems with your code.

Suggestions for improvement are very welcome! And I do value the
expertise of WebStack users in improving the experience of developing
with WebStack. Right now, it seems like I have total control over the
framework, but if people want to contribute things on a more democratic
footing, I'd be happy to look for project hosting somewhere:
recommendations on that topic would be welcome, of course.

> In my experience, it takes targeting WebStack's abstraction
> framework rather than any of the particular platforms, but the
> portability is unbeatable.
> Just a satisfied customer of Boddie's work,

I'm *very* pleased to hear it! :-)

I suppose I should get on with finishing off the next release, which is
just a bunch of fixes and possibly some Django support.



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