John Salerno wrote: > Ant wrote: > >>Mirco Wahab wrote: >> >>>Thus spoke John Salerno (on 2006-09-29 21:13): >> >>... >> >>>My advice would be (because Apache installations on >>>WinXP don't usually support Python (except pulling >>>the whole thing into each CGI invocation) - download >>>and install a VMWare Player >> >>This sounds a horribly complicated way of doing things. If you read the >>OP's post, it seems he is simply trying to serve straight HTML pages >>(but with Server Side Includes) locally for testing, rather than having >>to pester his operations guys to put them up on the company servers. >> >>If it's just HTML and SSI, then Apache is the easy answer on XP. The >>download is a simple .msi installer, and you'll just be able to drop >>the html files in the htdocs directory to start serving them. >>( > > > Thanks! I'll look into this.
Yup, I'd second that as an approach. I have Apache on my XP system, with mod_python and all the trimmings. regards Steve -- Steve Holden +44 150 684 7255 +1 800 494 3119 Holden Web LLC/Ltd Skype: holdenweb Recent Ramblings --