I've just uploaded the Frog 1.3 release.

Frog is a blog (web log) system written in 100% Python.
It is a web application written for Snakelets.
It outputs XHTML, is fully unicode compatible, small,
and doesn't require a database.

You can read about it and download it here:

It's 60Kb if you already have Snakelets, otherwise 122Kb.

Frog 1.3 uses the same storage format as 1.2 so no conversion
is required. If you encounter bugs or problems, or want to give
some feedback, please let me know.

Enjoy, --Irmen de Jong.

PS I'm running Frog for my personal blog, so if you want to see it in action, please visit: http://www.razorvine.net/snake/frog/user/irmen/ (still somewhat experimental and most is in Dutch) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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