Jorey Bump wrote:
Irmen de Jong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:41fcf53b

I've just uploaded the Frog 1.3 release.

Frog is a blog (web log) system written in 100% Python.
It is a web application written for Snakelets.
It outputs XHTML, is fully unicode compatible, small,
and doesn't require a database.

Frog 1.3 uses the same storage format as 1.2 so no conversion
is required. If you encounter bugs or problems, or want to give
some feedback, please let me know.

Very nice. I downloaded the complete version and ran it within Cygwin without any problems, except that the simple file browser is not included. The Files link returns a 404 error.

Ah yes. I simply forgot to include it, sorry about that.

Are there any plans to include a per user file manager? This would allow file management for a large user base, where ftp uploads would be impractical and unsafe.

I've added a 'filemgr' package to the files section; you can get the file manager separately from there. Or re-download the Frog-complete package (I've replaced it with a version where the file manager is included).

Read the README file first.

Please let me know what you think of Frog and the FileMgr.

--Irmen de Jong.

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