Saizan wrote:
> I embedded an Rpyc threaded server in a preexistent daemon (an irc
> bot), this is actually very simple;
>   start_threaded_server(port = DEFAULT_PORT)
> then I had the necessity to stop the thread which accept() new
> connections without killing the whole app, the thread is simply a while
> True that spawn a new thread which serves each connection, so I placed
> a flag and a break in this way:
> def local_threaded_server(port = DEFAULT_PORT, **kw):
>       global stop
>       sock = create_listener_socket(port)
>       while True:
>                 newsock, name = sock.accept()
>                 t = Thread(target = serve_socket, args = (newsock,),
> kwargs = kw)
>               t.setDaemon(True)
>               t.start()
>               if stop: break

First off, instead of the "while True" and the break, you could write:
while not stop:

> but, since sock.accept() blocks, when I set stop=True the server wait
> one more connection and only then stops.
> I tried sock.settimeout(10) before entering the while and so checking
> timeout exception on accept() but I experienced a strange behavior, the
> clients connections close immediatly, with one of these exceptions on
> the client side on their first use of the rpc connection:


> I'm not an expert in socket programming, but I can't see the
> correlation between the "listener socket" being in timeout mode and a
> different behavior the other sockets..
> Anyhow the main goal is being able to shut down the thread of the rpyc
> server, any other way is an appreciated suggestion.

Now to the real issue. I've also had such weird problems with socket
timeout in Python. The best workaround I found is to use select() to
check for activity on the socket(s), and use select()'s timeout
mechanism. So far, this has worked without a hitch on both WindowsXP
and Solaris Sparc9 installations.

- Tal
reduce(lambda m,x:[m[i]+s[-1] for i,s in enumerate(sorted(m))],
       [[chr(154-ord(c)) for c in '.&-&,l.Z95193+179-']]*18)[3]


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