lazaridis_com wrote:
> Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>> lazaridis_com wrote:
>>> Ο/Η Bruno Desthuilliers έγραψε:
>>>> lazaridis_com wrote:
>>>>> John Salerno wrote:
>>>>>> Are there any major differences between these two? It seems they can
>>>>>> both be used with TurboGears, and SQLAlchemy with Django. I'm just
>>>>>> wondering what everyone's preference is, and why, and if there are even
>>>>>> more choices for ORM.
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> You can review the Persit Case, which will shortly evaluate the stated
>>>>> ORM's:
>>>>> It is possibly of importance to remember some requirements which should
>>>>> be relevant for an persistency mechanism targetting an OO language:
>>>> RDBMS are not "persistency mechanism", they are data management tools.
>>> possibly.
>>> but this is not relevant, as the "Persist" case does not deal with
>>> RDBMS.
>> Then your post is irrelevant since there's a clear indication that the
>> OP question was about RDBMS integration in Python (hint: SQLObject and
>> SQLAlchemy both start with 'SQL').
> ...
> Of course it's relevant.

Of course not.

> "I'm just wondering what everyone's preference is, and why, and if
> there are even more choices for ORM."

You may not know it but the R in ORM stands for Relational, which
actually implies a RDBMS.

> The "persist case" evaluates python persistency 

Once again, it has nothing to do with persistency. I can use an ORM
connected to an in-memory SQLite db.

> systems (or
> mechanisms), and will show my personal preference:

I don't give a damn about your "personal preferences".

bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

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