For problems like this I use a partition function defined in a
file that I use (based on Peter Norvig's utils file at  Using partition, the
problem you posed can be solved by writing

#for a, b in partition([1, 2, 3, 4], 2):
#    print a, b

The implementation of partition I use is simple-minded; the previous
posts in this thread suggest some more sophisticated ways to attack it
using generators.

#def partition(seq, partsize):
#    """Partition a sequence into subsequences of length partsize."""
#    ls = len(seq)
#    assert ls % partsize == 0, ('length %s, partition size %s\n'
#                                % (ls, partsize))
#    return [seq[i:(i+partsize)] for i in range(0, ls, partsize)]


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