Yannick wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to program a small game in Python, kind of like robocode
> (http://robocode.sourceforge.net/).
> Problem is that I would have to share the CPU between all the robots,
> and thus allocate a time period to each robot. However I couldn't find
> any way to start a thread (robot), and interrupt it after a given time
> period.
> Any suggestions on how to proceed?
> Is Python just not adapted to this kind of things?

If your intent is to allow the user to program a robot using python
then no it's NOT suitable.  There's no builtin way to restrict what
code can do (but Zope might have a way), nor can you force it to pause
after a predetermined amount of time, nevermind making that amount of
time deterministic enough to be fair in a game.

However, if your intent was to have only trusted code then Python would
work fine.  My preference would be for generators (especially once
Python 2.5 is released), but YMMV.


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