metaperl <metaperl <at>> writes:

> Hi,
> I would like an IDE that shows me all methods and functions I can call
> on a particular data item. For instance, iter() can be called on any
> sequence, but it is not a method.
> Nonetheless, I would like for something to show me every thing that I
> can call on a particular data item.

Most built-in functions which can be called on objects simply call the objects'
respective __*__ method. But this isn't always true (as for iter()); it is an
interesting idea for code completion. I haven't seen any Python IDE do this, but
if you can convince me it's worth the effort, maybe that will change :)

As for other functions (not built-in), since there is no way in Python for a
function to declare a required type or interface for an argument, this seems
quite impossible.

Question: There are several built-in functions which can be called on any
object, such as str(), repr(), dir(), id() and type() - would you really want to
see all of those every time? I feel it would just clutter the completion list.

As an implementation issue, silly programmers overriding built-in functions by
accident would have to be taken into account...

> This includes % after a string.

But only if there are conversion specifiers in the string, right? ;) Seriously
though, isn't it much, much simpler to just hit shift+5? I feel this would
needlessly clutter the list of completions. Why do you want this?

> I would also like browseable help with good examples on whatever
> methods and functions and operators it pops up.

Such help can easily be found in the Pydocs under "Built-in Functions". Under
Windows, this is a .chm help file which is browseable. Also, many IDEs show
calltips for functions, showing the arguments and/or docstring.

> Thanks,
> Terrence

- Tal Einat
reduce(lambda m,x:[m[i]+s[-1] for i,s in enumerate(sorted(m))],
       [[chr(154-ord(c)) for c in '.&-&,l.Z95193+179-']]*18)[3]


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