Miki <miki.tebeka <at> gmail.com> writes:

> The IDLE that will come (soon) with Python 2.5 with have some
> intellisense. Not all that you requested but some of it.

On the same note, IDLE's completion module has received some serious upgrades
recently (such as dictionary key completion and case-insensitive completion),
but these haven't made it into the main Python trunk yet. I maintain a stable
version of IDLE with many new features, including the much-improved completion,
which can be found at:


Feel free to download, comment, and report bugs :)

- Tal
reduce(lambda m,x:[m[i]+s[-1] for i,s in enumerate(sorted(m))],
       [[chr(154-ord(c)) for c in '.&-&,l.Z95193+179-']]*18)[3]


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