Davor wrote:
Timo Virkkala wrote:
This guy has got to be a troll. No other way to understand.

not really - it was not my intention at all - but it seems people get upset whenever this OO stuff is mentioned - and what I did not expect at all at this forum as I believed Python people should not be so OO hardcore (seems not all as quite a few have indicated in their replies)... Nevertheless, I think the discussion has several quite good points!

Yes, sorry about that. I posted too soon. After posting I read more of your posts and realized that you really mean it, so I tried to cancel my message, but apparently it got through (news message canceling has never been that reliable..).

I believe that if you take the time to do some Python programming, you can find out that OO, when used correctly, is not the huge monster your previous languages had led you to believe it is. In Python, you can use just the right amount of OO to make things easier and more sensible, without complicating things with huge inheritance trees and unnecessary polymorphism.

Again, sorry about my premature judgement.

Timo Virkkala

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