On 2006-07-31, Bruno Desthuilliers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Antoon Pardon wrote:
> (snip)
>> Sure it is usefull. It may be not 100% formally correct, but often
>> things that are not 100% formally correct can be better in bringing
>> an idea accross.
> hear hear...
> And yet you still fail to understand why I claimed Python didn't have
> variables ? Talk about stubborness :(

I don't think it is usefull to claim Python has no variables.

Smalltalk variables behave essentially the same as python
variables and AFAIK never has the term 'variable' been
seen there as an obstacle for understanding how smalltalk

Python objects/classes don't behave exactly the same as
objects/classes in some other languages, are you going to claim
that python has no objects/classes when you want to explain
these difference? What other terminology are you prepared to
throw away because things behave somewhat differently in Python
than they do in some other languages?

IMO you are the one who seem to want 100% formally correctness,
because you wanted to throw away a term because the entity
refered to by it, didn't behave exactly the same as it did
in an other language.

Antoon Pardon

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