Michael Yanowitz wrote:
>    Maybe I am missing something, but from what I've seen,
> it is not possible to overload functions in Python. That
> is I can't have a
>   def func1 (int1, string1):
>    and a
>   def func1 (int1, int3, string1, string2):
>     without the second func1 overwriting the first.


>    However, operators can be overloaded.
>    So can I define a new operator?  If so, can I
> define func1 as an operator?

No. Operators in Python are merely syntax for "magic methods" on the
corresponding type. For instance, x + y would call x.__add__(y). In this
sense you are not really "overloading" the operator, you are simply
defining or overwriting its behavior (just like above, where the second
func1 overwrites the previous).

> (on the side, I have always wanted to define the
> ++ operator as +=1. Is that possible?)

No, for the reason above -- there is no magic method associated with ++,
which isn't a real Python operator.

Brian Beck
Adventurer of the First Order

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