Andrey Tatarinov wrote:

It would be great to be able to reverse usage/definition parts in haskell-way with "where" keyword. Since Python 3 would miss lambda, that would be extremly useful for creating readable sources.

Usage could be something like:

 >>> res = [ f(i) for i in objects ] where:
 >>>     def f(x):
 >>>         #do something

I don't know haskell, but it looks SQL-ish to me (only by loose association). And it's not that unpythonic - it resembles

>>> res = [x for x in sequence if x.isOk()]


 >>> print words[3], words[5] where:
 >>>     words = input.split()

Here's a shorter version:

>>> print input.split()[3:5:2]

(Does it qualify as obfuscated Python code? :) )

- defining variables in "where" block would restrict their visibility to one expression

- it's more easy to read sources when you know which part you can skip,

Yes, I like the readability of it, too.

compare to

 >>> def f(x):
 >>>     #do something
 >>> res = [ f(i) for i in objects ]

in this case you read definition of "f" before you know something about it usage.

When I first read your post, I thought "Well, just one more of those Py3k ideas that appear on every day." But as I look at the latter example, I think you have just scratched my itch. The same thing has bugged me more than once in my code.

I think this idea is of the same kind as the @decorator syntax. Guido moved an operation to a point in the code where it was more visible. You moved an operation to a more local context where (pun not intended) it really belongs.

I'm usually rather conservative about Python syntax (@decorators, absolute/relative imports, if-else operator), but this one could appear in Python tomorrow and that would be too far in the future for me ;)



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