On Dec 28, 2004, at 5:52 PM, JanC wrote:

But even then, if DaBo ever becomes as easy to use as Delphi/VB for this
type of applications, while remaining cross-platform, that might easily
double the number of Python developers. ;-)

Well, there are at least a half-million Visual FoxPro developers who have been hung out to dry by Microsoft, most of whom would love to leave the land of proprietary closed solutions for a bit of fresh air. That's where Paul and I came from, and that was our initial motivation for deciding to develop Dabo - there wasn't a Python tool out there that could even begin to approach what we were used to with VFP. If we could get Dabo to the point where someone familiar with VFP or even VB could become productive in a short time, well, I'm certain that there will be lots of new blood in these parts. Our work is being followed very closely by those communities.

 Ed Leafe


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