From: Paul Rubin [mailto:""@NOSPAM.invalid]
> This still seems way too complicated. Why execute a bunch of separate
> statements when what you're trying to set up is a single structure?
IMHO, i think that the code to create elements is the less important one. I put myself to learn python toolkits in one day. I picked up gtk, tk and wxWindow.
I learned how to create the elements in seconds. all have a fairly good documentation on that. But when it cames down to position stuff... that was hell.
Or you have a easy way to position things, but are limited for text direction (important in multi-locale programs), limited in font size (important for multiple resolutions) and mainly limited in window resizing (you have to write code for resize). Or you have to add two hundred panes and invisible elements to have flexibility on the above issues.
What i'm doing now, is to learn very all Tk, and make a xml scheme for UI.
<spliter width="100%" direction="vertical" resizable="yes">
<pane width="60%">
<button label="this one is on the left" />
<label text="this pane has a implicit size of 40%" />
<button text="this one is on the right" click="methodName" />
Easy to visualize. I'm just struggling with the best way to deal with runtime modifications of the GUI... apreciate any comments (this will be up on sourceforce soon)