"Ishwor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> On Sun, 26 Dec 2004 04:57:17 -0500, Terry Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> "Ishwor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> > Hi all
>> > I have just wrote a small script to compare the speed of list addition
>> > methods.
>> There are two meanings of 'list addition':
>> li = li+[item] *copies* the list and adds item
>> li += [item] is the same as li.extend([item]) which add item to the end 
>> of
>> the list *without* copying.
>> Of course, extending a list is faster than copying + one more.
> I agree with you that list extending is faster way to add as compared
> to method 1. also that method 2 is mapped to 'extend()' anyway,

As near as I could tell from what you posted (and I snipped), method 2 was 
about the same as 1 and not mapped to extend().

> but
> why is the method 3 ( l3.extend() ) in my example code talking only
> nearly 1% of time to complete as compared to method 1/2???

Because writing 1 pointer takes 1/100th as long as writing 100 pointers (in 
the C code of CPython).  You used lists long enough for the difference 
between O(n) and O(n**2) behavior to show.

> Thanks Terry for yet another small (really small) step towards 
> enlightment.

You're welcome.  Hope this is another small step ;-)

Terry J. Reedy


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