Bulba! wrote:

- QT seems to be industrial-strength, but.. it's probably
more complex/difficult to use.

- wxPython/PythonCard is probably simple to use, but.. are there not some pitfalls that development will fall into once the app starts growing (they all do)?

From my point of view, PyQt is easier to use (and is simpler, runs faster, looks better on Linux etc), while wxPython is much cheaper (and runs faster on Windows). As I am guerilla Python programmer (and try to drive as much Python into company as I can), I use wxPython on Windows platform as it doesn't trigger unnecessary questions on licensing, pricing et caetera.

wxPython has very nice GUI builder (wxGlade), it is not about as complete as Qt Designer, but speeds-up development significantly.

Jarek Zgoda
http://jpa.berlios.de/ | http://www.zgodowie.org/

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