Ian Bicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > ...that it's easy to learn and maintain means that there's less risk > in using a highly skilled, highly productive programmer; in other > languages you risk being left with a program that only another > highly skilled programmer can maintain.
Indeed. An acquaintance of mine advocates writing code that only skilled programmers can maintain (he favors a language that shall remain nameless but that has been known to resemble modem noise or cartoon swearing). His justification isn't that he wants to keep the work in the good-ol'-boy network (although that might be part of it), but that by making it difficult for anybody else, you're ensuring that only good programmers ever work on the code. Tell that to the poor slob who gets stuck with the job because the department can't or won't hire anybody else. -- Michael Fuhr http://www.fuhr.org/~mfuhr/ -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list