fuego <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My company (http://primedia.com/divisions/businessinformation/) has
> two job openings that we're having a heckuva time filling.  We've
> posted at Monster, Dice, jobs.perl.org and python.jobmart.com.  Can
> anyone advise other job boards that might be helpful?  Also, feel free

Have you tried python.org?  I believe they list jobs offers too,
nowadays.  Also <http://www.pythonandzope.com/JobMarket/index_html>?

Could also be just that the job market is tight for Manhattan-local
candidates right now... considering you accept Perl as well as Python,
and have Zope/Plone only as 'desired' and not 'required', I'd say you're
casting as wide a net as feasible, and then some, in terms of skills


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