Hello NG, I am quite new with Python... I'm writing an application that does also some regexp things on strings, but I'm having problem about identifying/extracting a substring from another string. What I have to do is to extract all the strings that begins with a "$" character, but excluding characters like "." (point) and "'" (single quote) and "\" "/" (slashes). For example I have:
1) This Is An $EXAMPLE String 2) This Is An $EXAMPLE.String 3) 'This Is An $EXAMPLE' 4) This Is An \$EXAMPLE\String; I would like to extract only the "keyword" $EXAMPLE and what I'm using at the moment is: #CODE BEGIN import re mystring = "This Is An \$EXAMPLE\String;" regex = re.compile("[\$]+\S*",re.IGNORECASE) keys = regex.findall(mystring) #CODE END Obviously this code returns things like $EXAMPLE', $EXAMPLE/, $EXAMPLE. and so on... Does anyone have a suggestion? Thank you a lot. Andrea. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message for the recipient only, if received in error, please notify the sender and read http://www.eni.it/disclaimer/ -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list