Guilherme Polo <> added the comment:

> Tal Einat added the comment:
> ...
> The process of discussing this patch has taken far, far too long. I can't 
> stand such discussions spanning months (and years!). Please just accept this 
> patch or close it. I'm fed up with this.

If the patch were good enough for everyone then it could have been
committed about 2 years ago, but it is not the case apparently (kbk
also raised some points earlier). Also, the effective discussion has
taken maybe some hours and this large extra time shows this issue is
not important enough to be noticed and taken proper care (and I'm
mostly sure you know this situation isn't exclusive to this
issue/Python/other (closed or open) projects). Said that, I don't see
the reason to just accept the patch and close the issue if no one else
fully backs up your patch.

I understand you may want to no longer follow the issue, and I can't
blame you because I've been mostly away from Python development these


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