Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettin...@gmail.com> added the comment:

> Adding to what Tal said: IDLE's calltips replace some uses 
> of help() in standard interactive Python.  For the rest, I 
> think being able to move hundreds of lines out of the 
> REPL  and into a separate persistent window, which that can
> be moved at least partly aside from Shell, improves IDLE's 
> usability for teaching.  Such blobs of text make it
> hard to scroll back to see previous entries and responses.

I respectfully disagree.  I've used IDLE for teaching over 200 days per year 
for the past seven years.  It is becoming less and less usable and more and 
more buggy as it ventures beyond its original goals of being a simple, basic 
interactive development environment.

We're still getting double and triple spacing after a syntax error and that 
survives a shell-restart.  So, I have to close and start new session logs 
several times per day.

The slow printing makes students think that Python is slow, so I switch to the 
command-line to show that the output can be almost instant.

The tooltips sometimes show the print() function tooltip no matter what is 
being editted and it persists on the screen as your typing the whole 
expression.  This is a significant visual distraction from the actual code.

The squeezer causes frequent breaks in a train of thought because when I ask 
Python to display something, I then have to switch windows and click the 

For years, I get random paste-clipboard effects in the middle of typing lines 
in the interactive shell session.  My only defense is to type Cntl-Z to undo 
the splatter so that I can continue with my demos uninterrupted.

I show people how to edit code in one window, press F5 to see and debug the 
results at the interactive prompt.  Seeing both at the same time on 
side-by-side screens makes for an effective workflow.  However, recently a 
student got into a new-tabbed mode and there didn't seem to be any way to turn 
it off.  It became impossible to see code and output or error messages at the 
same time.  This devastated the learner's experience.

The redesign of the configuration fonts/tabs window was not an improvement.  We 
need to get rid of the slider for indentation width (it attracts newcomers like 
a moth to flame).  Instead, we need a slider for the font-size which is usually 
the very first thing people need to change.  The giant window for font samples 
is cute and mostly useless.

I don't know if it is possible, but it would be great to filter the font sets 
to only show monospaced fonts.  Students setting to Arial degrade their Python 
experience without ever realizing why.

People need to be able to edit quickly.  On the Mac, Cntl-E does the right 
thing and goes to the end of a line, but Cntl-A goes to the beginning, even 
before the PS1 prompt.  This a low quality experience (readline is smart-enough 
not to do that at the command-line).  I can make a custom key set and remap 
Cntl-A to beginning-of-line but it is a PITA to have to get a whole classroom 
of people to do this every week.  It should be the default.

When started from a terminal session, IDLE emits some warnings such as " 
Warning: config.IdleConf.GetThemeDict - problem retrieving theme element 
'context-background'  from theme 'ttmmmmmmpp'"  Note the odd theme name and 
doubled letters.  Likewise, on the configure window for keys the custom key set 
name shows up as 'bbllttiinn'.  I don't use this but the letters are oddly 
doubled there a well.

Tab completion sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.  When typing in text 
blocks (triple quoted strings) the tab key sometimes indents and sometimes 
starts inserting "IndexError" or some other random text".

FWIW, I think the squeezer focused on the wrong problem.  In general, I've 
never had a problem with too many *lines* of output.  You can always Ctnl-C if 
printing a long file or somesuch.  The real problem with IDLE was excessive 
wide output on a *single* line (i.e. look at the repr for a recently read 
dataset or long repr for a list).  That tends to cripple IDLE because line wrap 
logic seems to be computationally expensive for scrolling text windows.  The 
effect persists even after the offending text has scrolled off and is no longer 

For feature requests, there's only a handful of things that I need to improve 
the experience:

* Cntl-plus and Cntl-minus to change the font size.
* A hotkey to clear the entire text window.
* A way to make interactive prompt sessions auto-save periodically.
* An easy way to turn-on and off line numbering with off as the default. I 
don't personally need this, but some learner will request it once each week.

Some other ideas:
* It would be nice if IDLE's shell session recognized when someone typed a line 
starting with "python" "pip" "cd" or "ls".  It is common to have someone 
confused about bash command lines very python command lines.

Two other recurring usability problems

* Sometimes the search and replace dialog loses the focus and gets buried 
*under* editor panes.  The visible pane seems completely inoperative because it 
is waiting on the non-pane pane to close its dialog.  Ideally, active dialog 
windows can be forced to the top.  However, if that isn't possible, at least 
make the window exitable by pressing ESC (which is one of things people try 
when their editor pane becomes unresponsive).

* Likewise, when pressing F5 and a SyntaxError is encountered, a dialog window 
pops up that cannot be cleared with an ESC key.  So users have to break their 
keyboard workflow and use a mouse to target a small button because turning 
their attention back to the screen location where the actual problem is.

Hope you all find this suggestion list to be useful.


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