Bernát Gábor added the comment:

I suppose when the documentation is generated the objects.inv file 
gets generated with it (I did not found exactly this piece of code here 
though). When Sphinx runs, it's intersphinx plugin goes out to, 
downloads the objects.inv, decodes it, and then tries to map the docstring 
param/return values/references to URLs. 

Actually intersphinx does not make the deduction of the type. It uses what the 
users entered in the docstring. In this case the user needs to know for each 
element to which bucket has been assigned to (e.g. 
class/data/function/method/exception/macro); and for compatibility reason that 
needs to stay stable, otherwise with a Python upgrade the user would need to 
update the code of its docstrings.

That being said for the sake of automation, in my case there actually another 
sphinx plugin 
 which actually generates, on the fly, the type information. So I suppose as a 
fix for my problem the sphinx_autodoc_typehint could be altered to still give 
back data, even though this now is a class. I'm not sure though how confident I 
am on "lying" to users about the data/class; but I suppose it's a necessary 
evil at this point.

So should we keep everything as it is? When I first identified why Tuple does 
not have the URL mapped to it, I thought the problem to be the fact that it 
goes to the wrong bucket (by just inspecting its type): data; but now I see 
that may not be such a bad thing after all.


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