Bernát Gábor added the comment:

so here's the problem in detail:

Intersphinx ( is a 
built in Sphinx plugin that allows to link to documentation of other projects 
in your own documentation. For example when specifying the argument of a 
function which can be either int or string you might specify the argument to be 
Union[int, str]. In this case Sphinx will generate the type of the argument as 
this object, where e.g. the Union word will be a link to and so on. 

In order to know for which object/function/type what is the correct URL an 
intersphinx object (which is basically a mapping) needs to be generated. This 
maps each element to an URL. This intersphinx mapping storage object (available 
at and similarly under other version 
pattern for the according version) is generated from the Python documentation. 

Now there's one indirection as far as this objects.inv goes; it does not 
actually stores mappings of element to URL, but what instead does it stores a 
mapping of type to element to url. Where type is here defined as either 
data/class etc. In order to resolve from an element to an URL both keys need to 
be correct (the type and the key too). 

For Python 3.6+ the typing.Tuple mapping now fails because according to the 
documentation the Tuple is under the section data, but once intersphinx looks 
at the Tuple during documentation generation it deduces it actually is of type 
class, and tries to locate it there. In order for intersphinx to resolve the 
correct web page URL, the runtime information of an element need to coincide 
with it's documentation type. Hence, what this PR tries to fix, migrating the 
documentation type/section of data to class (as in the meantime under Python 
3.6 the Tuple is now a class).

For the end user the fact that this is a class is still hidden, but for the 
documentation generation tool to resolve the correct URL, the runtime 
information needs to coincide with the documentation one. We should probably 
add a unit test that makes sure all runtime "type" matches with documentation 
"type" in the future. Let's make that the scope of another PR; is now clear?


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