Martin Panter added the comment:

IMO allowing any special method to be set to None seems to make more trouble 
than it is worth. Are there practical problems to address, or are they all 

Ideally I think it would be better to require __reversed__() for reverse() to 
work, but such a change would break compatibility.

Regarding, your class looks like this:

class Blocked(object):
    def __getitem__(self): return 1
    def __len__(self): return 2
    __reversed__ = None

The signature of __getitem__() is wrong, and causes a TypeError during 
iteration, although your particular test does not go that far. When I see 
someone using assertRaises() with a common exception like TypeError, I 
instinctively suggest checking the message to avoid these kind of test case 

I suggest either remove __getitem__() if it serves no purpose, or change it to 
something like this if you really want an unreversible sequence:

def __getitem__(self, index):
    return (1, 1)[index]


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