New submission from Mark Roseman:

The screen shot shows the current version of the main IDLE window, with the 
little pics at the bottom indicating what it looks like when the window loses 
focus.  A few entirely cosmetic changes I'd like to make here:

1. Swap scrollbar for ttk scrollbar; this visually will affect the Linux 
version. Note that even the ttk scrollbar is somewhat out-of-date with current 
desktops, but it's a step in the right direction!

2. You'll notice the slight border around the text widget when active; barely 
visible on Windows, a bit more so on Linux, and very much there on Mac (this is 
the "highlightthickness" attribute). Current conventions on all three platforms 
do away with this, so it should be removed for IDLE.

3. Regarding the items in the status bar, I'm going to suggest removing the 
sunken reliefs around the two items. Again, this was all the range long ago, 
but most apps on all platforms now have more minimal decorations in those 
contexts. If there were more (different) things on the status bar, I might 
suggest a light vertical separator between sections, but here there's no need 
for decoration at all.

4. Color and border on status bar. It's most apparent on the Mac inactive 
window pic, where the status bar blends in to the editor. I plan on tweaking 
the status bar so it's always a light grey color, and has a small darker 
separator above it. I may see about tweaking the font, as status bars tend to 
use a slightly smaller font nowadays.

5. Spacing for icon size grip on Mac should be removed for recent versions of 
OS X. This hasn't been necessary since before OS X Lion (released 2011). I can 
have the code include it when running on earlier versions of OS X.

These are all tiny changes, but combined with a decent font make a big 
difference visually when IDLE first starts up.

components: IDLE
files: idle_main.png
messages: 247627
nosy: kbk, markroseman, roger.serwy, terry.reedy
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: IDLE: Cosmetic improvements for main window
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.4, Python 3.5
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