Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

When I re-read the top of the file, I remembered that turtle.py has unique 
issues in relation to code ownership. (I was once told that Gregor had to 
approve any substantive code change.) I asked about that and about code 
cleanups on pydev (thread 'updating turtle.py').

Re your message: I was suggesting 'mapping' the code, not re-structuring it.

Testing: A complete 'unit' test would test each function in each layer. A 
minimal 'unit' test should at least test each top-level function and check 
response on the canvas. Assuming that one can get to tk root and canvas, some 
things should be possible. But I don't know what introspection functions a 
canvas has. An alternative would be to replace the canvas with a mock-canvas 
with extra introspection added. Another alternative would be a human-verified 
test, a turtle script that systematically called every function and said that 
it was doing for a person to verify. "Line width: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12 17, 30" 
(with a slight pause for each width).

Versions: at most 2.7, 3.4, 3.5. The 3.4 and 3.5 turtle code should be close to 


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