Hynek Schlawack <h...@ox.cx> added the comment:

I have answered to the (two weeks old :-/) review. There are three open 
questions in there we'll have to figure out before I fix the patch:

- should copyxattr() remove xattrs in dst that aren't present in src? Make it 
an option like `remove_missing_xattr`?

- use "None" for `namespaces` in copyxattrs() to indicate we want to copy all 
of them?

- add a ignore_errors option?

ISTM, that "all namespaces" don't make much sense without ignore_errors as 
there seem to be some internal xattr etc. 

Suggestion: copyxattrs() has ignore_errors as default and returns a list of 
xattr it couldn't copy as (xattr, exception) tuples? Or an "on error" handler 
like in rmtree? I'd prefer the first one as ISTM that failures happen more 
often than not.

assignee:  -> hynek

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