Mark Hammond <> added the comment:

@Rogi - you might like to re-read my responses a couple more times:
* I refer to SystemError as the docs *you quoted* refer to SystemError.  
Therefore, we should *not* make the implementation match the docs - the docs 
would be wrong *even if* we change Python to work how you want.  IOW, the docs 
need changing regardless of the outcome (and this is the bug where that should 
be managed, given the Components and assignee already on this bug)

* I understand your point that calling exit() directly is undesirable but that 
should be handled as a new separate feature request bug.  But while that bug 
goes through the process, the docs should be fixed to reflect the current 
reality (this bug).  Once your new bug is accepted and fixed, the docs should 
be changed again to reflect that new reality.


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