On Tue, 28 May 2013 14:18:20 +0100, Brendan Donegan
<brendan.done...@canonical.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm interested in using PyQt5 to implement an application I'm working
> on, as I want to use the Ubuntu Touch SDK and the Qml widgets it
> provides. I've tried building the snapshot of PyQt5 and noticed that the
> QtDeclarative module does not get built. I understand now that this is
> due to the QtDeclarative module having been deprecated and sort of
> 'renamed' as QtQuick. What I'd like to know is if support for this
> module will be added soon to PyQt5. If necessary I'd be willing to add
> the support myself with a little guidance (depending on how complicated
> it is).

It will be added after the release of PyQt 5.0.

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